Host a Chat for Change to End Child Poverty Anti-Poverty Week October 13-19th 2024

We are asking all End Child Poverty campaign partner organisations to host a ‘Chat for Change’ any day during Anti-Poverty Week October 13th -19th 2024

Poverty for children isn’t just about missing out on meals or a safe place to sleep. Many might think that a child leaving their precious teddy behind is inconsequential. But children develop deep bonds with their teddies, that when they have to leave then behind, it’s like losing a best friend. Children who live in poverty are sometimes forced to move frequently. For children a teddies represents security, companionship, comfort, belonging, safety and most importantly friendship. Losing a friend at such a young age, can have a lifelong impact on how they believe in themselves.

“When I moved, I didn’t even get to bring my baby teddy bear, this made me sad and nervous,”

– Mary 7 years old

Your Chat for Change will involve:


Take a stand for Australia's children—join the End Child Poverty campaign at Parliament House!