Majority of Australians Reject Child Poverty, Demand Government Action: New Research

The majority of Australians do not accept child poverty and want the government to act according to new research.
New research from the Australia Institute found 83 per cent of those polled want the Albanese Government to regularly measure and report poverty rates in Australia.
The data comes after the launch of the End Child Poverty campaign launched in April by the Valuing Children Initiative, with 100 organisations across the country backing the call to legislate an end to child poverty in Australia.
Covid payments during the pandemic lifted more than 245,000 children under the age of 15 out of poverty, proving that income support is one powerful way of preventing children experiencing poverty.
Children in poverty are more likely to experience disease burden such as asthma, heart disease and impaired cognitive development, meaning they often struggle at school.
It's time to face the fact that poverty exists in Australia, and we must all come together to end it.


Call for Australia to commit to poverty line Presented by Keane Bourke


New Report Reveals Australians' Strong Stance Against Child Poverty: Here's What You Need to Know